What’s New?
Winter Efficiency Check
Winter is here! If you were in the Midwest over the Thanksgiving holiday, you felt how harsh winter could be. Here are some tips you should plan for when the extreme cold weather arrives for the season: Be prepared for a colder home. Your furnace is only capable of...
Did you know that heating your home typically makes up about 42% of your home’s utility bill?
The type of heating system you use in your home matters and you can actively reduce costs by properly maintaining and upgrading your HVAC system. Having an energy-efficient furnace alone is not going to significantly impact your utility bill. To get the best results...

Choosing The Right Air Filters For Your Home
If you or someone you love has allergies or asthma you know that any level of air pollution can trigger symptoms. A fun fact: Indoor air pollution levels are actually much higher than those outdoors and sometimes can even be five times as bad, compared to outdoor...

Replacing your Air Filters
It’s important to replace your filters every 90 days for better efficiency. If you use your unit more than normal or if your unit is older, your filter may need to be changed more often. Clean air filters promote good airflow which helps your furnace heat more...

Energy Efficient Home for the Fall
Fall is almost here, and with it comes yo-yo temperature changes. In fall, homeowners may have to utilize both their furnace and a/c system. Is your furnace ready? Here are some preventative steps you can take to get prepared for the colder weather. 1) What is the...
Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of some of our Frequently Asked Questions. If you have more questions…feel free to contact us at any time. How long do your appliance repairs take? Most repairs can be done in the same day. How often should I have my AC/ appliances/ heating...